By: Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of LuxEco Living.
In Part I of my interview with Lisa Gautier, Founder of Matter of Trust, she helped us understand that the catastrophic BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico didn’t have to depend upon clean-up efforts that only further exacerbated the environmental damage. Hair booms, a natural and renewable resource are an efficient and viable option.
She unpacks the disposal methods of both synthetic and natural hair booms as well as the effects that dispersants have on the environmental (both in the water and in landfills) and in the clean-up efforts. Her inside point of view is fascinating and her approaches are refreshing.
Furthermore, with 45,000 businesses regularly donating hair, 19 warehouses and the current capacity to make 25 miles of hair booms, deployment becomes realistic and systemic.
In Part II, Lisa recounts her experiences over the last several weeks in trying to work with BP, convincing them to use her free booms. With 19 warehouses full of donated natural hair booms ready for use in the Gulf, the collaboration has been more of a Greek melodrama. Her point of view is a rare insider’s look at the BP-orchestrated clean-up efforts (which is particularly insightful since media coverage has been limited and even blocked by them) and the stronghold that they have over strategy and implementation. In a tale that mimics Mr. Toads Wild Ride, we are happy that her story eventually ends on a positive note. Well, at least for today. The story isn’t over and she as promised to keep the LuxEco Living Community abreast of the ebbs and flows of the oil-saturated tides.
Part 2, Segmet 1: The Insider’s BP Story
Part 2, Segment 2: Who Is Using Hair Booms Now And A Look Forward to Green Jobs
Thank You Lisa!!!