A tribute to Nora Ephron: Why I don’t feel bad about my neck
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Health World
Getting older. It's not easy.
Nora always found a way to...
What Are We Eating? What the Average American Consumes in a Year
via MindBodyGreen
If this isn't an eye-opening image, I don't know what is. This graphic from Visual Economics breaks down what the average American consumes in...
Celebrating Eco-Dads This Father’s Day with Christopher Gavigan of Healthy Child Healthy World
By Christopher Gavigan, CEO and Executive Director of Healthy Child Healthy World and LuxEco Advocate
Interview Conducted By Nancy Chuda, Founder of LuxEco Living and...
Chemical Creepers: A New Light Shed On Sunscreen
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Imagine if the very thing you used and depended on to protect you from skin cancer was capable of exacerbating the growth of epidermal lesions and tumors. Well that’s what the Environmental Working Group claims may be the case. A recent study shows that retinyl palmitate, a synthetic form of vitamin A, is carcinogenic on skin exposed to the sun.
Contamination: LA Pollution Trek it Out
LA Pollution: It may not go away any time soon!
By: Linsley Oaks, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Los Angeles: home smog contamination, congested freeways, smog, and long commutes. “No body walks in LA” as that famous pop song of the 80's astutely observes. And for the most part, they are right: no body does walk in LA. Which is creating more and more pollution in LA. Even the most casual observer covering ground in this megalopolis will take note of how few pedestrians there are. It is a car culture; people sometimes cover 40 + miles in a day just to get to work and back.
In the Spice Cabinet: Healing Through Home Remedies
The story of sage is truly one that has come full circle. From being a prized herb for its healing and cosmetic qualities, to a useful culinary seasoning, to being relegated to holiday cuisine, then fading into obscurity only to be brought back to the forefront of alternative medicine. Find out more about this robust herb in the latest installment of "In the Spice Cabinet"
I Want Those Workers To Be As Safe As Those Shrimp
by Elizabeth Grossman, Author of Chasing Molecules: Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry, High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and...
Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort is a Liquid Gold LuxEcoLiving4U Destination
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Travels without Journey...well sort of...
We traveled to this beautiful haven...
In The Spice Cabinet: Benefits of Cinnamon
It's a safe bet to say that there aren't too many people in the world who haven't experienced the warm soothing smell of cinnamon as it slowly bakes into your grandmother's extra syrupy sweet potatoes, or as it blends with the apples and buttery crust from your mom's apple pie. What most of us, particularly in the Western World, fail to realize is that we are victims of a very cruel irony.
Poetic License
By Florence “Flip” Ross a LuxEcoLiving Contributor
I never thought I could disclose
My deepest feelings, held inside
To put them down in honest prose
Seane Corn: Off The Mat Into The World
By: Lewis Perkins, Founder of Women Are Saving The World Now and LuxEco Advocate
Article via Women Are Saving The World Now
Last week, I had...
lululemon Gears Up for a Yoga Extravaganza!
By Molly Cimikoski, Editorial Assistant
Yoga-wear gurus from the company lululemon are telling us to get ready to sweat, and saying, “Take Your Asana Outside!”...
Bicycling and Recycling in West LA With The LAGreensters
By: Annie Huang, LuxEco Living Marketing Assistant
People bike for many reasons such as exercising, commuting from one place to another, or simply just touring around...
Luna Red offers Healthy Handcrafted Food: A Restaurant Review San Luis Obispo Style
By Nancy Chuda founder and editor-in-chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World.
Do drop in when in San Luis Obispo. Visit the...
Google knows we just need those eggs!
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Saying goodbye to a feathered friend
We lost her yesterday. It...
A Time for Prevention: Safer Chemicals for Healthier Children
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World and contributing author Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc Dean...
“One Today” Richard Blanco is the youngest inaugural poet in our countries history
"One Today"
One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peeking over the Smokies, greeting the faces of the Great Lakes, spreading...
Hatha Yoga in America
Hatha Yoga in America
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
What do you know about your local history? What stories lay within the paths you...
Sebelius: Champion of Health AND Wellness
The historic passage of last night's health care reform bill will positively effect millions of American's with immediate benefits as outlined in the House...
LuxEco’s Green Light Intiative at the Natural Products Expo
By Nancy Chuda, Founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEco Living and Founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
While amping up for this year's Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA and getting the LuxEco team ready for our "Green Light" Initiative in which we search out and highlight the best natural, organic and eco-friendly products that the Green Movement has to offer, I can't help but to reflect on the evolving nature of "GREEN."
Jim and I attended the first Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA almost two decades ago... and it was far from gluten-free. We were young, energetic, and held an undying faith that our world was unnaturally occurring; wearing Birkenstock and eating jerky we found our tribe. Or did we? back then, fair-trade was a hearty handshake.
Kabang Creates Hope for Dogs throughout the World: Meet Karen Kenngott the Nurse Who...
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
Travels with Journey, The Hallmark Inn Davis, California
"The capacity for hope is...
Moms on a Mission Protect Children’s Health
Sweet Charity for a Mom with a Mission: Health Child Healthy World Arms Parents with Information about Environmental and Chemical Pollutants
By Nancy Chuda Founder...
Safety In The Summer Sun
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
The hot sand between your toes, the refreshing cool water splashing against your legs, the high sun warm on your face. Summer is approaching fast and the beaches beckon us in all their golden glory. But before you rush off in your swimsuit, take the necessary precautions to make sure you have a safe celebration of this season.
President Obama’s Plea for Hope: To Protect our Children from Unthinkable Acts of Violence
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
An Essay
Like you, I am stupefied. It is unconscionable to...
Fighting Pesticides and Toxins for Family Health
By Rachel Sarnoff, Interim Executive Director, Healthy Child Healthy World, Founder of EcoStiletto and LuxEco Living Advocate
Steep yourself in information about rates spiking to epidemic proportions in childhood autism, asthma, cancer and more, and you’re bound to become a maternal hypochondriac.....At this point, I must sound like a broken record. But believe me when I tell you that the more I learn about the connection between a child’s environment and his or her health, the more I understand how incredibly high the stakes have come to be.
This is about our children. It’s about their right to breathe. It’s about their right to live. It’s about doing everything that we can to prevent the nightmares that Nancy, Jim and Christine endured.
If this is what we’re fighting for, I’m all in.
Pay Attention
By Florence "Flip" Ross a LuxEcoLiving Advocate and Contributor
We were very attentive to the Presidential Election, we are paying attention to the war in...
Jose Eber's secret art for sexy hair: Carefree, Unstructured and Red Carpet Success
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
"The hair cut that I'm most proud of, to tell the truth,...
Laura Turner Seydel shares memories of building her dream eco-home
Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Last summer, I had the privilege of interviewing Laura...
The Ancient Practice of Cupping
By Sahar Ghaffari, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Are you feeling a bit stressed but don’t want to take any prescription medication? Or like your body needs to be cleansed, but don’t want to starve yourself on a diet? Well then a natural alternative for you could be cupping. Cupping is an ancient method of medicine used by cultures around the world to relieve muscle pain as well as release the body of its toxins.
A Gluten-Free Choice for Celiac Disease Prevention and Healthy Living
By Wendy Ross Kaplan, LuxEcoLiving Advocate
The term “gluten-free” is becoming more mainstream these days, when a trip to the grocery store can be rewarded with more healthy choices for shoppers. But before the 1960’s, only nutritionists and a handful of health nuts knew what gluten free meant. Nowadays, “gluten-free” has almost a cult following of otherwise regular folks seeking better health benefits and those suffering from diagnosed celiac disease, its varying manifestations and debilitating effects.
Dr. Harvey Karp’s healthy and natural technique to calm crying babies saves lives
Did you know that Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) can lead to early death?
3 Yoga Poses to Help You Relax
By Jason Wachob, Founder of MindBodyGreen.com and LuxEco Advocate
A little yoga after a day at the office might be just what you need to...
Olivia Newton-John Manifests Her Dream: The Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
OLIVIA Newton-John says she was inspired to lend her...
Environmental Nonprofit Sues FDA
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
In 1978, the FDA proposed to ban over-the-counter ingredients triclosan and triclocarban, found predominantly in antimicrobial soaps. According to the National Resources Defense Council, these two common chemicals can cause damage to reproductive organs and production of thyroid and sex hormones. However, it has been more than 30 years and the FDA has done nothing beyond testing. One unnamed environmental nonprofit has had enough, and is suing the FDA for its alleged negligence.
We’re honestly thrilled to announce Walgreens “Ology™” Brand of Healthy Home Products
Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Twenty two years ago Jim and I lost our...