Alanna began her writing career at the age of 22, when she embarked on the journey to complete her first novel. While she considers herself a novelist and a poet, she also enjoys the fusion of creative writing with practical application. Now, with the dawn of New Media, she recognizes an enormous opportunity to reinvigorate community and instill single-handed empowerment on pivotal issues. It is Alanna's goal to shed light on the facts in a charismatic and personal voice so that the news is less prickly to ingest. Thus, with this desire, she came to share the LuxEcoLiving vision and find how her hand in the editorial map might bring about a proactive body of readers, while keeping them entertained. Alanna was born in Philadelphia, and has lived in Kansas and in Cusco, Peru, but considers herself an Angelino. The vast diversity and abundant life of her city lends her an inspiring muse. She is also inspired by any form of innovative art and propelled by the need to express her thoughts, concerns, passions, pet-peeves, dreams, and insights in written word. In addition to working as a LuxEco editorial advocate, she is in the process of writing her third novel. She loves hiking whenever possible, traveling whenever affordable, reading, dining, dancing, discovering other languages, and maintaining beloved relationships with family and friends. A healthy mind, body, and spirit are her life essentials. You may reach her at: alanna@luxecoliving.com