By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World

Bow wow! The Kennel Club LAX is one of the poshest pet resorts in all of Los Angeles as well as our nation. Nothing could be finer, cleaner, or more creative… not even your own home or backyard.
Jim and I were heading to Gearheart Oregon via LAX. Journey, our rescued, yellow lab puppy was learning to heel in preparation for his first LuxEcoLiving4U experience at a dog spa.
We were a few hairs late (doggie language) even though the distance between the drop off at the kennel was convenient and very close to the airport. The nice thing about the staff is the way they greeted us upon our somewhat harried arrival. All the paper work was printed and ready to be signed and while we took care of business Journey inquired about his room.

Every pet parent worries. Will they be okay? Will they adjust to a strange atmosphere with people they don’t know? Might it trigger more fear of being abandoned or worse the dreadful feeling of being left behind AGAIN.

Dog psychology is not that complex; they feel and sense every human mood and action.
Adopting a pet comes with some emotional baggage. Those early months are very impressionable in a puppy’s life. Our nine month old lab retriever senses what is going to happen before it does. True of most pets who can read body language and sense human interaction… they know when a separation is going to occur before you can bat your eyes.
Like a kid going off to camp for the very first time, hello muddah hello fuddah, I packed his overnight bag and included DUCKERS, his favorite new toy, a little yellow plastic duck he had received when we checked into the Cliffs Resort.

I was having a bad case of the jitters. Separation anxiety had begun and I feared Journey would be feeling the same way.
Well, I was so wrong. He couldn’t wait to get acquainted. He could see, hear and smell all the excitement. He jumped up again and got a birds eye view of all the beautiful and handsome residents whose parents were frequent flyers. Some even had premiere class service at the Kennel Club LAX which meant they got to sit at the front desk while the friendly staff managed reservations. And manage they do. No less than 150 trusted pet owners take their cats and dogs daily to the neatest and nearest kennel before boarding their planes.
I came to my senses the minute I saw Journey’s enthusiasm. He couldn’t wait to be taken to his private suite.
Bark Avenue was just like the one this beautiful fire fighting dalmatian had reserved. Oh boy was she cute!
While Jim and I had begun the laborious boarding process at LAX, prior to security check and the removal of our personal belongings, I found a few of his favorite treats in my coat pocket. Oh! I was so sad and missed him terribly but I dared not to let him sense my feelings.
They say dogs can really feel your energy and sense your thoughts from a great distance so I did my best to put him out of my mind. At least for a few minutes.

I knew we had made the right decision. The Kennel Club LAX has a great mission. Since its founding in 1983, it has been listed in the top 100 largest woman-owned businesses in Los Angeles County. Its furry roots has been showcased by the media, and recognized in numerous articles from The Wall Street Journal to Time Magazine.Best known for a caring staff and founded by a woman whose motto is based on a deep love for animals and the desire to provide the best vacation stays for four-legged guests!
I checked in with Shoshana Weissman whose love for her own two rescued dogs emanates through her devotion and her work.
The Facility
Is state-of-the-art safety program which includes surveillance cameras and a superior air exchange system. Indoor accommodations are the largest in Los Angeles and range from Standard to Luxury. The 12,000-foot pet hotel leads outside to an additional 12,000 square feet of outdoor play yards and swimming pool.
The staff at Kennel Club LAX is well trained in both pet emergencies and CPR. In rare emergencies they have a Veterinarian on call.
Owning a pet is one of the most important milestones in any persons life. They become family and at times better, wiser and more loving then blood relatives. Maybe that’s because they provide unconditional love and devotion in ways that humans can’t.
Pets enhance our lives and give us what I call “real time.” Being in the present and appreciating every waking, walking, feeding, peeing and pooping moment.
Our pets make us better people and for that reason we cherish the special one-of-a-kind relationships we share.
And because they are so special they deserve nothing better than a caring place like the Kennel Club LAX where people put pets first in a class all their own.

Editor’s Notes
I highly recommend The Kennel Club LAX even if you are not taking off from the airport. It’s worth the effort and the drive just so your pet can receive their signature bath and special grooming after their luxurious stay.