By Nancy and James Chuda, founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World

Dr. Bojana Jankovic,
Celebrating 23 years at the fabulous Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills was a milestone event. Healthy Child Healthy World and the Environmental Working Group empower parents to make healthier choices. Together they are saving children’s lives.
Healthy Child Healthy World is the organization Jim and I founded in 1992 in memory of our only child Colette, who died of a rare non-hereditary form of cancer at age 5.
As we look back at all of our accomplishments, I am proud to say that one of the most exciting moments in our charity’s history is the merger we established with Ken Cook and the organization he founded, Environmental Working Group.
Kelly Herman has been a long-time advocate for children’s health issues. She shares her personal motivations and reasons why this issue has affected her life not only a mother, but also as a sister.
What inspired you to want to become Program Director for Healthy Child Healthy World?
So many families struggle with cancer, illness and suffering that may be linked to toxic chemical exposure. The loss of any family member is devastating, but even more so knowing that their death may have been preventable.
James and Nancy Chuda founded Healthy Child Healthy World after the life of their daughter Colette was cut short by Wilm’s Tumor, a rare form of cancer. My parents also lost their youngest daughter—my sister—to non-hereditary cancer when she was just three; I was six. Now, as a mother of a four-year-old, these tragedies resonate with me more than ever.
After 18 years in international business and the financial world, my dedication to making a real difference for families led me to Healthy Child Healthy World, powered by EWG. I consider it a privilege to serve as Program Director. I feel that my work with Healthy Child honors Colette, my sister Brooke, and all of the children we’ve lost too early to non-hereditary cancers, likely caused by hazardous chemicals in our environment.
My team brings cutting-edge research and guidance to families everywhere, empowering them to take action to protect themselves and their loved ones. As part of EWG, we now reach more people, disseminate more information, influence more policies, and promote more solutions for a healthier, greener, safer world. We are a stronger organization with a unified voice for children’s health and environmental safety.

How has the merger between Healthy Child Healthy World and Environmental Working Group helped to promote and protect children’s environmental health?
HCHW and EWG are stronger together than ever before. For the last 24 years, HCHW has been recognized as a trusted source of information for parents who are seeking safer children’s consumer products and healthy lifestyle choices for their children and families. The merger combined EWG’s groundbreaking, scientific research with HCHW’s engaging and meaningful connection with parents around the globe.
Together we’re providing something both unique and essential to protecting children everywhere: advice that is credible, practical and actionable to help parents make healthy choices for their beloved families. By merging with EWG, the Healthy Child Healthy World program has become the leading destination for parents seeking educational content to protect their children and families from toxic chemicals and pollutants.
What will this mean for the future of HCHW?
The merger with EWG enables HCHW to produce its signature scientific research-based content. We look forward to the day we put ourselves out of business: when legislative policy and the consumer-driven marketplace prioritize the health of children above profit or special interest and our role becomes obsolete. Until then, we’ll publish the latest news, research and tips that parents need and advocate for the very best for our children and generations to come.
How will this help new mothers plan for the future of their children’s health?
As parents we are the best advocates for our children — especially mothers, whose critical role begins long before birth. Our educational programming can help moms avoid harmful chemicals during pregnancy, in their home and throughout their child’s development. We’re here to support moms and dads as they vote with their dollars and raise their voice to policymakers. Together we can all make a difference for our children. The merger with EWG has enabled the HCHW program to develop easy-to-read, digestible content based on the latest fact-based scientific research in children’s environmental health. In addition to HCHW’s groundbreaking research, parents seeking educational materials to protect their families will find additional resources for their family within EWG, such as EWG’s Skin Deep and EWG’s Food Scores.
Will HCHW keep parents informed of the latest breaking news on prevention?
Yes, always. Visit our website and follow us on social media for all the latest news and information. We hope you’ll share with your friends, attend an event and most importantly, use the information you learn to make healthy choices for your children and families. Please visit our website,, and join us on Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest.