By: Linsley Oaks

Green is the new pink, black, and red.  And I am not talking about runway spring fashions.  I’m talking ecological wisdom and awareness.  Green has permeated every sector of our society: there is green legislation, green architecture, green landscaping, green products, green tourism, green tax credits, and many more.  One strong vein in the green movement is the eco movement.   It is hard to even encapsulate these terms in one definition, but broadly, the green movement is an ever increasing awareness of how the individual consumer can cultivate sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The green movement is a multi-faceted and deeply penetrating consumer awareness that is gaining an almost surprising momentum and popularity amongst consumers.  One the one hand, it is great that corporate America is ‘buying Green’ and flooding the market with eco-friendly and green products (more often than not carrying a heftier price tag than the average consumer is used to).  Five years ago, the organic section at any chain grocery store was a dimly lit moldy smelling corner in the back.  Now, the organic options practically have marching bands with banners and fanfare the likes of which a homecoming queen has  never seen.  Even WalMart, thought to be an enemy of all things progressive and socially responsible in many circles, is joining in the fun.

I have noticed though, that with all this mass and corporate participation, it is easy to get lost as an individual determined to make good choices for body mind and soul.  Sure, the box is allowed to say ‘organic’ but what does that really mean?  What kind of regulations is the FDA enforcing here?  Have the rules perhaps been loosened since organic became such a marketable phenomenon?  More and more stimuli are flooding the stage, creating such a glare that at times I find it hard to make enlightened choices as a consumer.  So, just how green IS green, really?

Let us not forget that consumer choice is law in this land.  Let’s speak up through our choices and make sure corporate America knows we will only support authentic eco-friendly and green marketed products.  Take the time to read your labels (and let’s demand better or more transparent processes in labeling if there is any unclarity).  Buy locally as much as possible (this cuts out innumerable middle men that can muddle the whole process).  Be passionate about your choices.  Live green!


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