Due to the constraints of money and commitments at work and home, many of us don’t have the flexibility to zip down to Louisiana or Florida to assist in the oil spill clean up effort. With that in mind, it seems that our next best option, since we can’t readily better the situation, is to at least do our very best to sabotage BP. Forget positive psychology, the people want revenge!
Like many others, for me this initially meant avoiding their gas stations and convenience stores at all costs, even if it required coasting on fumes a few extra miles more than my little car would prefer. Unfortunately though, I’ve recently learned that due to the nature of this international business, buying gas anywhere is still a win for BP. According to Diane MacEachern from the blog Big Green Purse, the only good way to cut away at BP is to stop driving. Read her post on the situation for more information on how to reduce your petroleum use: Mad at BP? Skip the boycott. Stop Driving.