By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
Santa Paula California Limoneria Ranch
An Afternoon in the Orchard Celebrating Sustainable Agriculture
Not only are we losing critical top soil meant to harbor and grow food but worse, we are losing the future of agriculture. Students, if asked, have never been to a farm and haven’t a clue as to the practicality of Mother Nature’s ability to provide what they need most. Nutrition.
From farm to table, each of us take for granted the tedious and labor intensive mechanics of agriculture; what begins as a seed and develops into a commodity. We had a chance to speak with Mary Maranville, Founder & Executive Director of SeeAg, students for eco-education and agriculture. WATCH!
Captain Planet to the Rescue
This program provides schools with strategies for building effective and long-lasting garden-based learning programs. Teachers at pilot schools are provided with hands-on training, curriculum aligned to national standards, lesson kits filled with supplies, a schoolyard garden, fully-equipped garden cooking cart, and summer garden management intern.
Gardens can provide a context for multidisciplinary learning, ranging from nutrition and science to social, studies, math and language arts. Students benefit by expanding their palates, taste-testing healthy foods, and learning about food origins; engaging in authentic science field investigations; manipulating the environment to understand math in real-life applications; recreating historical activities; and writing across all these disciplines.
Student Pre- and post test
Have your class fill out the pre- and post-test for the Captain Planet’s Learning Gardens Program. You can find them at the beginning of each lesson. Pre-and post test
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This program provides schools with strategies for building effective and long-lasting garden-based learning programs. Teachers at pilot schools are provided with hands-on training, curriculum aligned to national standards, lesson kits filled with supplies, a schoolyard garden, fully-equipped garden cooking cart, and summer garden management intern.
Gardens can provide a context for multidisciplinary learning, ranging from nutrition and science to social, studies, math and language arts. Students benefit by expanding their palates, taste-testing healthy foods, and learning about food origins; engaging in authentic science field investigations; manipulating the environment to understand math in real-life applications; recreating historical activities; and writing across all these disciplines.
Student Pre- and post test
Have your class fill out the pre- and post-test for the Captain Planet’s Learning Gardens Program. You can find them at the beginning of each lesson. Pre-and post test
– See more at:
I have known Laura Turner Seydel for quite some time and I am always impressed with her dedication to the environment. She is our First Lady Planeteer and is continuously sowing opportunity for youth. I once told Laura, “You should run for office!” There isn’t anything she hasn’t accomplished because her heart is in the right place. She really cares about the future of agriculture but more importantly she is providing great incentives that offer transformational change.
Like her father, Ted Turner, who founded Captain Planet, and believes in the power of eco- education, Laura continues in gifting future generations with even greater opportunities to sustain and grow a greener planet.
The Learning Garden Program, which is what brought Laura and her team to Santa Rosa and Ventura County California, is designed to provide schools with strategies for building effective and long-lasting garden-based learning programs. Teachers at pilot schools are provided with hands-on training, curriculum aligned to national standards, lesson kits filled with supplies, a schoolyard garden, fully-equipped garden cooking cart, and summer garden management intern.
Limoneria Ranch, based in Santa Paula, is one of the largest growers of lemons and avocados in the country. It was the perfect backdrop for a Day in the Orchard event. Guests sampled a delightful array of freshly picked organic greens and sustainably raised beef and lamb.
They also got to tour the orchard and meander through the sunlit groves.
Environmental activists, James Chuda co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World and Dr. Harvey Karp author, The Happiest Baby on the Block, stroll with Journey (Travels with Journey).
Nina Montee Karp, Nancy Chuda, Laura Turner Seydel and Laurie David celebrate the fruits of environmental activism and their labor as stewards of the planet
Editor’s Notes:
WATCH! this award winning advertorial to understand more about the process of agriculture, and a powerful anti-factory farming message that helps to educate people about the need for “food with integrity.” It’s being called “the most beautiful, haunting infomercial you’ll ever see.” Chipotle, parted ways with majority owner McDonald’s and has become the first US restaurant chain to strip its menu items of all genetically engineered ingredients.

This program provides schools with strategies for building effective and long-lasting garden-based learning programs. Teachers at pilot schools are provided with hands-on training, curriculum aligned to national standards, lesson kits filled with supplies, a schoolyard garden, fully-equipped garden cooking cart, and summer garden management intern.
Gardens can provide a context for multidisciplinary learning, ranging from nutrition and science to social, studies, math and language arts. Students benefit by expanding their palates, taste-testing healthy foods, and learning about food origins; engaging in authentic science field investigations; manipulating the environment to understand math in real-life applications; recreating historical activities; and writing across all these disciplines.
Student Pre- and post test
Have your class fill out the pre- and post-test for the Captain Planet’s Learning Gardens Program. You can find them at the beginning of each lesson. Pre-and post test
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