Live Green?
With More Not Less?
Is this “The End to Suburbia” and the New Urbanism?

By James Chuda, Co-founder of LuxEco Living and Healthy Child Healthy World
When we founded, we really thought about how to best articulate the LuxEco Lifestyle. What is it? Is it the “Old Green” that said you must live “without” in order to be eco-friendly? We realized that in a consumer -driven society, the “Old Green” was simply not a sustainable model; that instead, we would have to consider a different paradigm all together. With more knowledge, more consumer choices that allow us to support eco-friendly services and products and a better understanding of our interconnectedness to each other, the planet and the production processes of the things we buy, we could Live LuxEco! We could live truly sustainable. We could Live Green with More not Less!
What if we thought different about the way we live- we got out of our individual little cars and away from suburban sprawl? How about a New Urbanism that teaches us to be self-sufficient while still contributing to the benefit of all society?
Inspired by and equipped with resources, our LuxEco articles, directory of healthy living products and services and trusted partners we will help people to understand how they can live a more sustainable healthy life; one in harmony with the planet and each other. But it’s more than that… it’s the community; the people who share their stories and discoveries, their tips and experiences.
Whether building your community through neighborly relationships or communing with people across the globe through cyberspace, we must learn from each other. The LuxEco Living Community encourages people around the world to join and become the change we all want to see happen. In our upcoming stories, interviews and video blogs we will begin to show examples and new tips how we can Living Green with More not Less with simple steps that are easy to integrate into your life and big ideas to aspire to. LuxEco is also a call to action: what are your ideas?
As an eco architect of 3o years, I have my own ideas: I imagine a total planned Living Green Eco Community, designed with my new architecture Sxyzicity, where people could live, work, share and play at a slower pace and have time to stop and smell the roses. Your cafe, grocery store, parks,recreation, local theater and a opportunity to grow your own food and share a complete self-contained garden community could all be within a few minutes walk. “New Urbanism” could begin by reducing the use of the automobile with shared public transportation and provide more share electric cars. Shared bicycle and walking paths and community gardens and water gardens could replace the concrete of parking lots and freeways. Growing food locally and implementing an all encompassing system of self-sustaining permaculture for communities would reduce the transport of food, protect our topsoil, support local farmers, build a more closer relationship with nature. We would be eating a more healthy diet that is more in balance to our needs and welfare of others. Building stronger communities creates a more peaceful coexistence… More bang for your buck, so to speak!
With so many great ideas circulating through the Green Movement, LuxEco wants to find and amplify the voices of the future Thomas Friedmans, (“The World Is Flat”), Woody Taschs, (“Slow Money”), Mark Zuckerbergs… and all the Culture Creatives of the world.
We can make a difference, please join us at and share with the rest of our LuxEco Avocates from around the world your ideas about Living Green with More not Less. Share with us the things you are doing in your local community to create “New Urbanism.”
Confused a little? Need more motivation and inspiration? I recommend that everyone should watch this video to gain perspective about the health and well being of their family and future generations. Please watch and share. It is still not too late to begin to make changes in our lives.
It truly begins in your own back yard. Join the LuxEco Living Community at the Green Home under the H of the Hollywood sign. (H is not for Hollywood but for Healthy Green Living!)
“We see the world not the way it is but the way it can be.”