When Angels Cry: Jennifer Edwards New Novel Promises More Than Fifty Shades of Grey….Sexual...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
The movie, Fifty Shades of Grey is meant to be...
Joan Didion Plays Herself: The Center Will Not Hold
Having watched Griffin Dunne's (Joan's nephew and actor) brilliant new documentary, Netflix, "The Center Will Not Hold" I began craving salted almonds and ice cold cokes; the magical combo that supposedly got her literary motor running everyday of her life.
Laurie David Brings Activism To The Family Dinner Table
By Lorri Ballance Laird, LuxEco Advocate
Laurie David is on a quest. But it may not be the one you are most familiar with. David, who was a producer of “An Inconvenient Truth,” Al Gore’s famous movie warning us of the impending perils of global warming, has taken her activist mentality and brought it to the family dinner table.
With her new book, The Family Dinner (Great Ways to Connect with Your Kids, One Meal At A Time) (recipes by Kirsten Uhrenholdt), David is out to share her formula for creating great family memories one healthy dinner at a time.
Dr. Harvey Karp’s healthy and natural technique to calm crying babies saves lives
Did you know that Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) can lead to early death?
Theo Stephan’s Green Global Gardens Infuses Culinary Creativity
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Olive Oil And Vinegar For Life is one of the...
How Rude! Alex J. Packer’s new teen guide to good manners is a must...
"Hallelujah! Finally a book for all ages, a dictionary with a built in thesaurus for every questionable rude behavior. Mankind will benefit from Packer's...
Gay Author’s Novel Cancelled by Publisher Because of One Word
By Alanna Brown, a LuxEcoLiving Advocate, author of Moonpennies and creator of Brown House Online
David Powers King is a friend I've known since middle...
Struggling To Invent Fire
"There is no one among us who will light the world. You may use all of your days igniting the empty flares huddled and peopling the darkness
Write a Novel, Lose Weight, Win at Work, and Prevent Disease…With A Lifespan Treadmill...
By Alanna Rosette Brown, a writer/filmmaker, LuxEcoLiving Advocate, and author of Moonpennies. Follow her blog at alannarosette.com
Make a New Years Resolution: Stand-Up and Walk...
Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself
We are a nation in turmoil. In a world unfolding so rapidly with hate and distrust. We are a target. It is a misnomer to think that we are great or we will be greater with walls built from hatred, casting innocent children and mothers away from our shores.
This Could Be Our 1989
You might think that the greatest political, cultural, economic shock of our lifetimes, right here in the USA, would unleash a torrent of salient and incisive commentary. There's been some good, some confused, some angry. But mostly what I've seen is a kind of mouth-open shocked.
Getting a Good Book Review Without a Hundred-Dollar Bribe
By Alanna Brown, a LuxEcoLiving Advocate, creator of Brown House Online, and author of Moonpennies
John Locke broke an independent publishing record in 2011. He...
Is SEO A Green Marketing Strategy or is Google Creating More Waste?
By Alanna Brown a LuxEcoLiving Advocate and creator of Brown House Online
Developments in digital media spiked in the 21st century and have yet to...
Celebrate Hanukkah with Laurie David
By Lorri Ballance Laird, LuxEco Advocate
As we are in the midst of Hanukkah, Luxeco asked Laurie if she was doing anything special for the holiday. She told us that she was planning to try something different: Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Latkes. She and her two teenage daughters made this recipe together to celebrate the festive occasion.