The Ancient Practice of Cupping
By Sahar Ghaffari, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Are you feeling a bit stressed but don’t want to take any prescription medication? Or like your body needs to be cleansed, but don’t want to starve yourself on a diet? Well then a natural alternative for you could be cupping. Cupping is an ancient method of medicine used by cultures around the world to relieve muscle pain as well as release the body of its toxins.
Eight Great Benefits Of Walking
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
I came across this MSN health article on walking and, as an avid walker myself (I walk an average of 12 miles per week), I had to share what I learned. Regular brisk walking can do wonders for your health, and it’s so simple! No gym fees, nowhere to drive to, no certain time to be at that aerobics class. You can just walk out the door at your favorite time of day, pop in a set of headphones, and tour the neighborhood. Research shows there are 8 incredible benefits to this type of moderate exercise.
The Lead Carpet: Who’s going to lose?
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Health World
Lead in her Lipstick? Not Meryl! Not in real life. But...
‘What Would the World Be to Us, If the Children Were No More’: Cancer...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Prevention through education is worth more than cure
In 1991, two...
Wellness: If You Can Conceive It, You Can Do It
Corporate guru, David H. Murdock, advocates disease prevention through wellness with a lifestyle makeover for longer, healthier lives.
By: Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of
Life Happened, Part II: How Do You Get Cancer?
By Michelle Dennis, LuxEcoLiving Marketing Assistant and author of "COLON TALK", a cancer survivor's blog.
The day I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, I asked...
Olivia Newton-John on Oprah: LuxEco Advocate Represents!
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Our very own LuxEco advocate, Olivia Newton-John was a guest on the taping of Oprah's show Tuesday. Oprah, filming two shows at the Sydney Opera House this week, had a star studded line-up for her travels Down Under.
In The Spice Cabinet: Healing Through Home Remedies
By F.R.E.E. Will, LuxEco Editorial Assistant, Author of In The Spice Cabinet series
The purpose of this article and the series as a whole is to examine the ingredients that go into some of your favorite dishes, particularly the benefits some of the more familiar (and some not so familiar) herbs and spices contain.
The Powers of Tea Tree Oil
By Sahar Ghaffari, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
You may or may not have heard of the essential oil known as tea tree oil, but it has been an age old remedy for a myriad of ailments. Obtained from the leaves of the native Australian plant called Melaleuca alternifolia, Australian Aboriginals used the leaves to heal skin cuts, wounds, and infections. The name originated from the fact that the leaves of the plant were used as a substitute for tea. Tea tree oil has antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties which make it useful in a variety of ways.
What The National Children’s Study Means To You
By Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff, Executive Director/CEO, Healthy Child Healthy World and a LuxEcoLiving Advocate
Is there a link between the environment and illnesses such as...
Petrochemicals: A Groundbreaking Report From The Medical Mainstream
By Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of
I have often heard from environmentalists and natural health experts that you can chart the introduction of chemicals (particularly petrochemicals) to our society and see the graph begin to sharply incline after WWII and reach epic proportions from the 1980's. Likewise, you could chart the increase in cancers, diabetes, obesity, autism, heart disease and asthma and see the same stratospheric rise. In fact, you could put the two charts on top of each and see the obvious correlation.
How Can I Get My Child’s School To Be Greener & Safer?
By Janelle Sorensen, Chief Communications Officer, Healthy Child Healthy World
Expert Opinion courtesy of Healthy Child Healthy World
When my husband and I toured schools to...
How busy are you?
This article originally appeared in The New York Times
The ‘Busy’ Trap
If you live in America in the 21st century you've probably...
Poetic License
By Florence “Flip” Ross a LuxEcoLiving Contributor
I never thought I could disclose
My deepest feelings, held inside
To put them down in honest prose
“One Today” Richard Blanco is the youngest inaugural poet in our countries history
"One Today"
One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peeking over the Smokies, greeting the faces of the Great Lakes, spreading...
President Obama’s Plea for Hope: To Protect our Children from Unthinkable Acts of Violence
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
An Essay
Like you, I am stupefied. It is unconscionable to...
Nature is Art
By Florence "Flip" Ross a LuxEcoLiving contributor and advocate
It is such a beautiful world, have you noticed the various hues?
When I step out the...
Australia Leads Cancer Recovery Through Wellness with $68.9m in Funding
By Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of
When fighting cancer, we often think of disease management through any number of Western medical practices. But wellness...
If I Could
Hands by Guido Daniele
Hands by Guido Daniele
By Florence "Flip" Ross, LuxEcoLiving Advocate and Contributor
If I could bring the planet Earth, back to its natural beauty
If I could sing its praise, and make the world assume its duty
If I could make the industries clean up their foul pollution
Our air, our water, would be clean, and would be the solution
If I could force our corporations to help clean up our planet
Pay Attention
By Florence "Flip" Ross a LuxEcoLiving Advocate and Contributor
We were very attentive to the Presidential Election, we are paying attention to the war in...