“H” for Hollywood, “H” for History, “H” for Health and “H” for Hope!
By Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of LuxEcoLiving.com
After months of rally efforts, raising donations and even conducting neighborhood bake sales, the Hollywood sign has finally...
Green Business Networking: Fifth Annual Event!
Green Business Networking Proudly Celebrates Fifth Year, With... You?
It's hard to believe, but tomorrow's mixer will also be our FIFTH anniversary! Time flies...
Something To Crow About
By Nancy Chuda Founder and Editor in Chief and of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
How many of you have seen...
Up a Stream With A Broken Chinese Paddle
By Lacey Szczepanik, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
I was born into a generation which, when it comes to consuming products, ‘Built to Last’ was long...
Lotusland in Santa Barbara is one of the best horticultural sites in the world
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
This week we are taking you on a tour of...
President Obama’s Plea for Hope: To Protect our Children from Unthinkable Acts of Violence
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
An Essay
Like you, I am stupefied. It is unconscionable to...
Enough is Not Enough
By: Linsley Oaks, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
My Nana is very important to me, and with good reason. She has taught me so many valuable...
“One Today” Richard Blanco is the youngest inaugural poet in our countries history
"One Today"
One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peeking over the Smokies, greeting the faces of the Great Lakes, spreading...
Nature is Art
By Florence "Flip" Ross a LuxEcoLiving contributor and advocate
It is such a beautiful world, have you noticed the various hues?
When I step out the...
By: Florence Ross, author, poet and LuxEcoLiving contributor
August ends the summer season
But we celebrate it for another reason
We have a more important view
Antibiotics and Food Production: Are we Feeding a Health Crisis and Squandering the Cure?
Author of Family Dinner and Producer of Inconvenient Truth, Laurie David shares her concern about antibiotics in food production and what that means for the overall health concerns.
By Laurie David, Author, Producer and LuxEco Advocate
Originally posted on Huffington Post
I worry. A lot. My worry gene works overtime. A doctor once told me it's called an "overactive checker" (or as I like to think of it, my OC). As far as afflictions go, it's not terrible. OC's are good to have around. They see danger from miles away. They pay close attention.
Motherhood can be particularly tough on OC's. We know too well that there's no such thing as "out of sight out of mind." But over the years I have come to terms with my checker, and now consider it a trusted friend. It was my checker that helped me raise my kids with a minimum of cuts and scratches, rear three dogs from eight-week-old puppies, and eventually opened my eyes to the looming dangers of global warming. It's the same trusted checker that is screaming, "Wake up! Wake up!" on the issue of antibiotic resistance.
How to increase your life expectancy: Walk to work
By Nancy Chuda founder of LuxEcoLiving and Editor in Chief co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Courtesy CBS This Morning Norah O'Donnell, Gayle King, and...
Watch:Do You Believe In Math?
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
It is astounding that over one million people...
Biofuel to the Masses: Green Start-Up Brings Alternative Fuel Technology to You
Biofuels changed his audience. After bringing music to the masses, green start-up owner converts his mission to bring alternative fuels to your car
Jeff Phillips - a D.I.Y Kind of Guy
By Jeff Phillips, Biofuel Engineer and LuxEco Advocate
My name is Jeff Phillips and I run D.I.Y Biofuels in Los Angeles.
I was once in the music biz, and was doing pretty well for myself, until I became more educated about the startling environmental problems that we are currently faced with.
So I basically left the rat race of the music industry after doing some research of my own into alternative fuel technology. Films like 'An Inconvenient Truth' and 'Who Killed the Electric Car' particularly affected me.
Strawberry Crumble Fresh From The Farmer’s Market
Hit your nearest farmer's market for some farm fresh strawberries and get baking!
By Brooke Rewa, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
It's strawberry season here in Southern California and were baking our way into spring. This homemade crumble filled with locally grown strawberries will have you sprinting to your local farmer's market for supplies.
Last Thursday
By Bernadette Bowman, Comedienne and LuxEco Advocate who writes the LIFE GOES RETROGRADE series.
I said “goodbye” to my best pal last Thursday.
As you may recall from my...
Trash To Green
By Florence “Flip” Ross, LuxEco Advocate
One day at work, I happened to mention that I found these hills so pleasant to look at every time I passed them, and I wondered how they had developed there in the midst of all the flatness, which looked like God had ironed the land. Everyone laughed and said: “Don’t you know what those hills are?
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
By Bernadette Bowman, Comedienne and LuxEco Advocate who writes the LIFE GOES RETROGRADE series.
Gosh, I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to write this letter. I...
Apple Will Get The Job Done!
Introduction by Nancy Chuda Founder of LuxEcoLiving and Editor in Chief and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
I am proud to say that my charity, Healthy Child Healthy World, earned early recognition when I was a journalist and reporter for ABC news. Our first grant was an Apple computer. The irony in all this is that we lost Steve to cancer. He was a hero. A person with a rare intelligence. Steve Job's brain was wired for success. He had a synaptic response to create just about everything Apple. We lost a legend but we gained a universe that in its totality has created a new religion: Interconnectedness. Life goes on for Apple and I will be true to the core.
Everyone Will Be a High Wire Act In The Future
By Lush Huxley, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
...Or so implies a new technology by Kolelinia lab the brain child of Bulgarian designer Martin Angelov. The lab...
New Research Finds 9/11 First Responders at Risk for Persistent Health Problems
Courtesy of Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc, Principal Investigator for Mount Sinai's WTC Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program. Founding and Honorary Board...
Woman and Food
By Robyn O'Brien, Founder of Allergy Kids Foundation and LuxEco Advocate
Now, I’m not sure where you stand on this whole food thing. But if you’re anything like me, you probably don’t want someone telling you what to eat. So when friends first started trying to educate me about terms like organic, local, natural and grass fed, I have to admit, I tuned out (and probably rolled my eyes). Because the reality is that food is never just food. Food is comfort.
Food is family. It is security. It is politics. And it is loaded.
What I Don’t Understand
By Laurie David, Author, Producer and LuxEco Advocate
After 50 days of watching BP's pathetic failure to stop the oil from gushing and hearing stories...
Sebelius: Champion of Health AND Wellness
The historic passage of last night's health care reform bill will positively effect millions of American's with immediate benefits as outlined in the House...
Safety In The Summer Sun
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
The hot sand between your toes, the refreshing cool water splashing against your legs, the high sun warm on your face. Summer is approaching fast and the beaches beckon us in all their golden glory. But before you rush off in your swimsuit, take the necessary precautions to make sure you have a safe celebration of this season.
Leap towards love
By Florence Ross, author, poet and LuxEcoLiving Advocate
In my lexicon of languages, of all the words I know
I cannot find the proper words for...
If I Could
Hands by Guido Daniele
Hands by Guido Daniele
By Florence "Flip" Ross, LuxEcoLiving Advocate and Contributor
If I could bring the planet Earth, back to its natural beauty
If I could sing its praise, and make the world assume its duty
If I could make the industries clean up their foul pollution
Our air, our water, would be clean, and would be the solution
If I could force our corporations to help clean up our planet
The One, The Many, and the Balance
By: Linsley Oaks, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Running across a field might seem like the last thing anyone should do after slinging $12 dixie cups...