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Healthy Child Healthy World

Poster HCHW copyNothing gives parents and caretakers more joy than seeing their children live happy, healthy lives. Creating a safe non-toxic home for your family is one of the most important things that a parent can do to promote an environment in which they can flourish.

Feeding them nutritious food (free of pesticides, hormones and genetic engineering), taking the chemicals out of their home and baby care products, letting them play with safe non-toxic and lead-free toys and eliminating environmental dangers are all crucial roles in living a Green eco-friendly lifestyle. Meanwhile, it instills in them an appreciation for their natural surroundings and their impact on the world around them.

Sadly, many food and non-food products are saturated with dangerous chemicals. With skyrocketing increases in children’s cancer, asthma, autism, diabetes, and so many other diseases, green families know that they must be involved consumers. Gone are the days of picking a random product off of the store shelf and confidently bringing it into the home. The basis for protecting your family is education. LuxEco Family will help parents verify the advertising claims, find trusted resources and brands and give tips and ideas for a vibrant, healthy home.

Moms on a Mission Protect Children’s Health

Sweet Charity for a Mom with a Mission: Health Child Healthy World Arms Parents with Information about Environmental and Chemical Pollutants By Nancy Chuda Founder...

Prevent Cancer in Your Pet

By Lacey Szczepanik, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant I have two beautiful pet babies; Diggs, my proud, empathetic and cautious boxer, and Mo, my silly, sleepy Staffordshire terrier. I take my role as their guardian very seriously. When my pet Diggs was two years old, he was diagnosed with mast cell tumors, a form of cancer prevalent among boxers. I was devastated. I went through all the stages of grief. Denial; “Excuse me Mrs. Veterinarian, my dog has a small ‘bump’ on his side. Bump. Not lump. Lumps are scary. This is simply a ‘bump’.” Anger... directed more at God than anyone in particular. I lost Diggs’ brother much too early in life and found it cruel to be faced with another premature goodbye. Bargaining. Depression; full on who-needs-food and why-would-I-get-out-of-my-pajamas-or-leave-the-house-when-I-could-sit here-and-stare-at-my-beautiful-dog kind of depression. And finally Acceptance, and by acceptance I mean he’s alive today and he’ll be alive tomorrow SO THERE. Maybe the anger and denial are still sprinkled on top of the acceptance. A shocking 20-25% of our furry four legged pets end up dying prematurely due to Cancer. (Perdue University Department of Veterinarian).

Dr. Harvey Karp’s healthy and natural technique to calm crying babies saves lives

Did you know that Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) can lead to early death?

Healthy Snacks for Hungry Kids

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World, and Dawn Undurraga, Nutritionist, Environmental Working Group Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group www.healthychild.org. Your kids rush home...

A Tribute to Dr. Stanley Greenspan

By: Emily Lynne Ion via Heathy Child Healthy World on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Today, the Healthy Child family is mourning the loss of an...

Healthy Child Healthy World Takes Center Court for Championing Children’s Health

By Nancy Chuda founder of Healthy Child Healthy World and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving           The Hamptons, Long Island New York, Los Angeles and Santa...

What’s for Dinner?

It’s a question as old as campfire, and the answer is getting more and more difficult to produce: “Hey Ma (or Pa), What’s for dinner?”. The realities of mass food production in this modern age are out there, and perhaps the harshest light of all has been shed on the meat production industry in particular.

Laundry Pods Are a Serious Danger to Children

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group www.healthychild.org. Those small, attractive objects in many families’ laundry...

How to Beat Insomnia Naturally

by Lori Alper, Founder, Groovy Green Livin' Courtesy of Healthy Child Healthy World After the birth of my third child I suffered from insomnia that ...

Michelle Obama and Childhood Obesity

By Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of LuxEcoLiving.com According to the US government, One third of all children born in 2000 or later will suffer from diabetes at some point in their lives; many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma. A recent study put the health care costs of obesity-related diseases at $147 billion per year. With rates having tripled over the last three decades and with millions effected and the percentage of obese or overweight children at or above 30% in 30 states, the childhood obesity epidemic shows no slowing in site... YET. Enter First Lady Michelle Obama. The Goal: Through nutrition education, healthy food alternatives, physical fitness and a coordinated effort between public, private and non-private sector, the challenge of childhood obesity will be solved within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight.

Michelle Obama Urges Restaurant Industry To Change For Kids

By Kerin Van Hoosear, LuxEco Editorial Assistant and author of Seasonal Cooking with Kerin Did you know that most kids’ meals in restaurants have twice as many calories as the meal you’d serve them at home? Not only are the majority of these meals laden with saturated fat and salt, but some even reach a whopping 1,000 calories! Such a meal is high in calories for an adult, and for a child that’s just ridiculous.

Irresponsible Care: National Children’s Study faces changes which may put children’s health at greater...

Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World In 2000, many children's health advocates applauded Congress's decision to...

Celebrating Eco-Dads This Father’s Day with Christopher Gavigan of Healthy Child Healthy World

By Christopher Gavigan, CEO and Executive Director of Healthy Child Healthy World and LuxEco Advocate Interview Conducted By Nancy Chuda, Founder of LuxEco Living and...

Feeding Infants While Flying

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group, www.healthychild.org. For parents, feeding a new baby can feel...

The Truth Behind “Organic” Cosmetics

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group www.healthychild.org When it comes to food, we know what...

Autism is America’s Fastest Growing Disability for Children

An introduction by Nancy Chuda Founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEco Living and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World. In the last two decades, Healthy Child Healthy World has sounded many alarms to awaken parents to the prevailing problems of chemicals in our environment. With an influx of untested chemicals in commerce, coupled by a regulatory system that is stymied by scientific knowledge, the time is now for a complete overhaul of the laws which permit the inhumane testing of chemicals in our air, water and food which affect our most vulnerable citizens. Children are suffering due to these exposures and their health and life expectancy is being altered by an inept system of governance which supplies the demand for agriculture and consumer products without oversight. Years ago, many of us testified in Congress to prevail upon

For Colette- The Flower That Shattered The Stone

By Nancy Chuda, Founder of LuxEcoLiving.com Tonight, Jim and I were guests on "Toxic Childood" a CNN special report hosted by Sanja Gupta MD. For the...

Safety In The Summer Sun

By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant The hot sand between your toes, the refreshing cool water splashing against your legs, the high sun warm on your face. Summer is approaching fast and the beaches beckon us in all their golden glory. But before you rush off in your swimsuit, take the necessary precautions to make sure you have a safe celebration of this season.

CDC Panel Recommends Lower Threshold for Childhood Lead Poisoning

By Lorri Ballance Laird, Writer and LuxEcoLiving Advocate Since 1978, lead paint has been banned in the United States.  But even today, in 2012, the...

As TSCA Collapses, Penelope Jagessar Chaffer and Her “Toxic Baby” Fight Back

By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant "Isn't it wonderful that none of us need wait a moment before starting to change the world," Penelope Jagessar Chaffer quoted from the Diary of Anne Frank after Nancy Chuda (Healthy Child Healthy World and LuxEco co-founder) presented her with the HCHW Moms-on-a-Mission honor for inspiration Wednesday night. Penelope is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and the first black female director to receive a BAFTA award nomination. Above all, however, she is a mother, proven by her dedication to complete her most recent documentary, Toxic Baby, despite the adversity that arose in the process. In accord with Anne Frank’s legacy, she waited not a moment before embarking on her five-year journey to make this film and thus start to change the world, one mother at a time.

Action For Healthy Kids

Action For Healthy Kids Remember the watershed moment when you first learned about the dangers of pesticides in your food or the toxic chemicals in...

Google knows we just need those eggs!

By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World Saying goodbye to a feathered friend We lost her yesterday. It...

Healthy Child Healthy Pet: What Do Pets And Kids Have In Common?

By Nancy Chuda founder of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World In 1991, we lost our only child to a rare non-hereditary...

Parenting for Peace by Marcy Axness, PhD: A Book Review

By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World. It...

Community Gardening With Common Ground

By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” In the 1970s, several senators began to recognize a literal truth behind this Chinese proverb. They realized the importance of teaching the man how to provide his own food source. When the government grasped the self-sufficiency and power of being able to fish, or in this case garden, they began granting $100,000 per year to gardening programs. This evolved to $100,000 to each of 20 metro areas around the United States, one of them being Los Angeles.

Beauty’s Big Secret: Hidden Toxins in Fragrance

By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article entitled “Fragrance Chemicals and the Scent of Suspicion,” the fragrance industry has been keeping vital chemical information from the public. The article says two recent reports, one by the EWG and one by Women’s Voices for the Earth, have caused a stir amongst researchers, environmental groups, consumers, and industry legislation. These reports reveal that on the label of any given personal care product, bottle of perfume, or cleaning agent the word “fragrance” is loaded with unknown meaning. Manufacturers have used this one word, a nondescript listing among the other ingredients, as a catch-all to legally mask the dozen-or-more chemicals not actually listed.

The Trouble with Disinfecting Wipes

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group www.healthychild.org They’re cheap, appealing and easy to find. They...

Healthy Child Healthy World: Empowering Parents To Make Safer Choices

By Nancy and James Chuda, founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World Dr. Bojana Jankovic, Celebrating 23 years at the fabulous Montage Hotel in Beverly...

The 5 Worst Ingredients in Kids’ Body Care Products

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group, www.healthychild.org. From shampoo to toothpaste, sunscreen and lotion, the...

Woman and Food

By Robyn O'Brien, Founder of Allergy Kids Foundation and LuxEco Advocate Now, I’m not sure where you stand on this whole food thing. But if you’re anything like me, you probably don’t want someone telling you what to eat. So when friends first started trying to educate me about terms like organic, local, natural and grass fed, I have to admit, I tuned out (and probably rolled my eyes). Because the reality is that food is never just food. Food is comfort. Food is family. It is security. It is politics. And it is loaded.

Chemical Creepers: A New Light Shed On Sunscreen

By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant Imagine if the very thing you used and depended on to protect you from skin cancer was capable of exacerbating the growth of epidermal lesions and tumors. Well that’s what the Environmental Working Group claims may be the case. A recent study shows that retinyl palmitate, a synthetic form of vitamin A, is carcinogenic on skin exposed to the sun.

Healthy Child Healthy World: From the Pain a Passion for Change

By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World Colette Chuda 1989 photo credit Irene Born Newton-John  “When a parent loses...

Five Things You Don’t Know Your Kids Are Eating

By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World Reproduced with the permission of the Environmental Working Group www.healthychild.org. As parents, we do the best we can...

Olivia Newton John’s Summer Nights Concert in Vegas is a Major Hit

By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World Backstage at The Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada She sings with...