Food fit for a healthier life: Olivia Newton-John’s new cookbook Livwise guarentees you will...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Whole body, mind and spirit Olivia helps others heal
In July,...
Got Legs? Get LifeSpan!
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
Why Your Health Matters Most
Walk don't run while searching Google for the...
Seane Corn: Off The Mat Into The World
By: Lewis Perkins, Founder of Women Are Saving The World Now and LuxEco Advocate
Article via Women Are Saving The World Now
Last week, I had...
How Fit Are You?
The holidays are coming. You just spent a fortune on that special cream that is meant to reduce stretch marks but did you ever...
Contamination: LA Pollution Trek it Out
LA Pollution: It may not go away any time soon!
By: Linsley Oaks, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Los Angeles: home smog contamination, congested freeways, smog, and long commutes. “No body walks in LA” as that famous pop song of the 80's astutely observes. And for the most part, they are right: no body does walk in LA. Which is creating more and more pollution in LA. Even the most casual observer covering ground in this megalopolis will take note of how few pedestrians there are. It is a car culture; people sometimes cover 40 + miles in a day just to get to work and back.
Bicycling and Recycling in West LA With The LAGreensters
By: Annie Huang, LuxEco Living Marketing Assistant
People bike for many reasons such as exercising, commuting from one place to another, or simply just touring around...
Eight Great Benefits Of Walking
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
I came across this MSN health article on walking and, as an avid walker myself (I walk an average of 12 miles per week), I had to share what I learned. Regular brisk walking can do wonders for your health, and it’s so simple! No gym fees, nowhere to drive to, no certain time to be at that aerobics class. You can just walk out the door at your favorite time of day, pop in a set of headphones, and tour the neighborhood. Research shows there are 8 incredible benefits to this type of moderate exercise.
Hatha Yoga in America
Hatha Yoga in America
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
What do you know about your local history? What stories lay within the paths you...
Take Control Of Your Body
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Taking control of your body may entail more than exercise and monitoring caloric intake. While those two things are essential, the missing key component that many overlook is the hormonal balance within the body. Hormones, chemical messengers within the bloodstream, are secreted by the endocrine glands, which are found virtually from top to toe. According to an episode of the Emmy Award-winning daytime talk show, The Doctors, “[These] glands are collectively known as the endocrine system, which influences a person’s metabolism, mood, growth, development, immune system, and sexual function.” The main three secretions to beware of, which the site calls the “Hormone Trifecta,” are cortisol, estrogen, and thyroid.
A Healthy Pet is a Happy Pet
By Allison Mowatt
Courtesy of Live Healthy Live Green
It's hard not to be aware of the numerous health benefits eating organically has on the...
The Yoga Break
By: Joanna Bateman, Luxeco Editorial Assistant
I’m a mid-west girl who recently moved west to California to spread my wings and fly. And if it weren’t for this past August, I’d be one stressed-out-Sally in the big sea of crazy known as Los Angeles. I needed to ground myself so that I didn’t float away in La La land. I needed Yoga camp!
Gaia Retreat and Spa offers Health Beauty and Serenity
Introduction by Nancy Chuda Founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and Co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World.
If you haven't had a chance to...
Fitness Gone Green
By Jessica Borges, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
The start of a new year beings motivation to do bigger and better things than the previous year. If improving fitness is one of your resolutions, why not hit a gym that not only helps you shed pounds but also helps the environment? Green gyms and fitness centers are proliferating as we become more conscious of how the health of the planet relates to their own health.
Wellness: If You Can Conceive It, You Can Do It
Corporate guru, David H. Murdock, advocates disease prevention through wellness with a lifestyle makeover for longer, healthier lives.
By: Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of
3 Yoga Poses to Help You Relax
By Jason Wachob, Founder of and LuxEco Advocate
A little yoga after a day at the office might be just what you need to...
Electric Bikes Save the Earth and Save You Green
By Jessica Borges, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
MyBike is an electric bicycle retailer based in Boston, MA that provides an alternative mode of transportation that reduces individuals’ carbon footprints, as well as the stress and hassle of sitting in traffic. With motor vehicles as the single biggest source of air pollution it’s about time we find less abrasive ways to get around.
Sickly Sweet; The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners
By: Molly Cimikoski, Editorial Assistant
What if products that are marketed to assist in living a healthier lifestyle, are actually the ones making us sick?...
High Fructose Corn Syrup and Sugar Substitutes: The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners
How to navigate high fructose corn syrup and sugar substitutes to avoid harmful artificial sweeteners in favor of plant based alternatives.
By: Molly Cimikoski, Editorial Assistant
What if products that contain high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners, which are marketed to assist in living a healthier lifestyle, are actually the ones making us sick? As of 2007, American consumers were spending 21 billion dollars 21 billion dollars annually on diet, or low calorie, drinks. From the outsider perspective, this still seems like progress compared to the alternative statistic, with 64% of Americans qualifying as overweight or obese. But what if you found out that the sugar alternatives that many diet products promote are not only ineffective as weight loss methods, but are also dangerous to your health?
Breathing Easy With Bhakti Ware
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Yoga mat. Check. Pony-tail. Check. Comfy and easily removed flip-flops. Check. Bhakti Ware…Check? “Wait, what is Bhakti Ware?” You...