J.B. Mauney’s Bushwacker Bails World Champion
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
J.B. Mauney World Champion Bull Rider tops his sport and greets LuxEcoLiving's ...
Empowerment of Women In Africa: Francine LeFrak Fortifies A Stealth Vision Fashion Forward
By: Francine LeFrak, Founder of Same Sky, a company that handcrafts glass bead bracelets made in Rwanda and LuxEco Advocate
My dream is for the empowerment of women and eradication of poverty. In 1994, 1 million people were murdered in 100 days in Rwanda. I spent eight and a half years trying to produce a film about this massacre-- I wanted to tell the story of this genocide. Ultimately, the film never got produced. I was still left with the passion to shed light on this important story. By that time, my focus had also turned to the empowerment of women and girls. It was with the mission of helping the women in Africa that Same Sky was born.
‘What Would the World Be to Us, If the Children Were No More’: Cancer...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Prevention through education is worth more than cure
In 1991, two...
Katherine Heigl Gives $1 Million to Help Save Pets
By Sahar Ghaffari, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Dog lover and “Life As We Know It” star Katherine Heigl has pledged to donate $1 million to help the over growing pet population through her Jason Debus Heigl Foundation. The foundation which is named after her brother, who died tragically in a car accident in 1986, just launched a new initiative called The Compassion Revolution.
The Compassionate Life- Is Empathy the Answer?
Empathy and Compassion in the Wake of Japan's Tsunami Crisis
By: Marc Ian Barasch, author of The Compassionate Life and Founder/Director, Green World Campaign
The aerial shots...
Jewelry Paris style: La Suite 240 has it all
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
Luxury for Less. The most beautiful authentic jewelry, custom designed, one...
Got Legs? Get LifeSpan!
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
Why Your Health Matters Most
Walk don't run while searching Google for the...
Did you say Jellyfish?
Picture of the week
A Lions Mane Jellyfish, the largest jellyfish in the world! They have been swimming in arctic waters since before...
Interview With LuxEco Advocate Couple Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling, both ardent environmentalists, were married in July of 2008. They have since used the power of their union, their individual celebrity, and their heartfelt enthusiasm for wellness to bring healing to the world. Each has suffered bouts with illness and discovered the earth’s natural medicinal bounty on the road to recovery, awakening them to not only the importance of environmentalism but also of conservation. The LuxEco advocate couple, always on the go—from performing at the Pink Ribbon Gala in Vienna to harvesting anti-oxidant fruits in the Peruvian rain forest—spent some time on the phone with me, discussing their passion.
George Clooney Travels to Southern Sudan
Actor, director, producer, and social activist George Clooney has been journeying throughout Southern Sudan this past week in an attempt to bring attention to the war-torn area. The region is three months away from an independence vote which could possibly see the largest country in Africa split into two sovereign nations.
A New App for Apple
Steve Jobs might find a way to cut to the core of a major human rights issue impacting the health of children who get their daily dose of vitamins from eating apples. You can write to him sjobs@apple.com and let him know he's got to get on this issue ASAP.
The Rabid and the Hair
By Lush Huxley, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
do something about this disaster?
While BP is trying to make it look like everything is under control they are foolishly dismissing the people that are ready and willing to solve the problem. BP shunned these guys in their May 21st press release, where they publicly asked “Individuals and organizations… to discontinue the collection of hair for the hair boom.” Considering this rejection, one might expect Summer and her crew to flip the bird to beurocracy and start a renegade clean-up on their own. The truth is, however, that at the moment BP has all the dumpsters on lock down. To work around this, the team is working on getting contracts for an incinerator to dispose of the dirty booms. They are holding back the clean-up until they have a legally and logistically sound way to dispose of the refuse, which is good news for those who hate seeing the good guys end up with criminal records.
Does EPA Mean Business As Usual? Is It Really Safe To Go Back In...
By Nancy Chuda, Founder of LuxEco Living and Healthy Child Healthy World
Yesterday, when BP CEO Tony Hayward testified before Congress, many expected to hear him apologize for...
Bloom Energy to Install First−Ever Highrise Project at Morgan Stanley Global Headquarters in New...
Morgan Stanley announced that Bloom Energy will install a fuel cell system at the Firm's global headquarters in New York City's Times Square neighborhood
Nature is Art
By Florence "Flip" Ross a LuxEcoLiving contributor and advocate
It is such a beautiful world, have you noticed the various hues?
When I step out the...
Dating America
In 2016 we will be electing a new President, which means for the next year, fellow liberals and I will be quoting NPR in a desperate attempt to prove that we’re politically active
Nature Even Sc-Fi Couldn’t Out-Bizarre
Someone sent me an amazing article from WebEcoist who presented some of the most moving and beautiful photographs of nature's awesome phenomenons that have...
Wellness: If You Can Conceive It, You Can Do It
Corporate guru, David H. Murdock, advocates disease prevention through wellness with a lifestyle makeover for longer, healthier lives.
By: Bethany Colson, Managing Editor of LuxEcoLiving.com
Fishing Closures and Seafood Sniffing: Addressing Gulf Seafood Safety
by Elizabeth Grossman, Author of Chasing Molecules: Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry, High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and Human Health
via The...
Lotusland’s Lotus Garden: A Center for Spirituality
By: Molly Rovero, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
First up on our journey through Lotusland is the Lotus Garden: a center for spirituality. Lotus flowers are significant to many eastern cultures, such as the Buddhist and Hindu religions. This beautiful flower emerges from the murky depths of mud and contrasts the dark water with its vibrant petals.
Sexy and Sustainable Seasons for Fashion:Candice Held dresses inspire an eco-conscious style
Candice Held dresses have inspired us at LuxEco Living to think outside the box when it comes to sourcing eco-conscious materials. Saving the environment is not just about finding rare and exotic eco-friendly materials. In fact, sometimes it can be as simple as extending the life of the clothing already in our closets.
2011 Sustainability Summit – LA Business Council
LABC Sustainability Summit: Fulfilling Our New Market Potential
Much is in store for the LA Business Council Sustainability Summit, including the “Salon of...
By: Florence Ross, author, poet and LuxEcoLiving contributor
August ends the summer season
But we celebrate it for another reason
We have a more important view
A Lifesaving Tip: What to Demand at Your Next Mammogram
By Nina Montee Karp a LuxEcoLiving advocate for womens health and founding member of Healthy Child Healthy World
Reposted courtesy of The Huffington Post
You'd never...
The Hemingways Nairobi:LuxEcoLiving’s #1 Choice for Luxury and Cuisine
There is only one place in Nairobi... The Hemingways is historic. The grounds are magnificent and the view of Ngong Hills from your terrace translates the love and passion that Karen Blixen held for the land she so dearly loved.
What I Don’t Understand
By Laurie David, Author, Producer and LuxEco Advocate
After 50 days of watching BP's pathetic failure to stop the oil from gushing and hearing stories...
We’re honestly thrilled to announce Walgreens “Ology™” Brand of Healthy Home Products
Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Twenty two years ago Jim and I lost our...
Stunning Aerial Video Of The Oil Saturated Gulf
In a rare look at the Deepwater Horizon rig, Kerry Sanders from The Today Show flew over the oil-soaked Gulf of Mexico. As far...
Oil Rig Catches on Fire in Gulf of Mexico near Louisiana Coast
By Tatyana Rocha, LuxEco Marketing Assistant
At around 8:30 am PST on September 2, 2010, an oil rig caught on fire approximately 90 miles south of Vermilion Bay near the Louisiana coast. No one was killed during the explosion and all 13 crew members are accounted for, with one minor injury.
Louisiana’s Barataria Bay Suffers From BP Oil Spill
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
The iconic Barataria Bay, a Gulf of Mexico bay located in southeastern Louisiana, is being destroyed by oil still gushing from the Deepwater Horizon blowout. The formerly thriving estuary, rich with virgin cypress trees and an array of wildlife, has been known historically—as the site of an original colony—and literarily—as depicted by Kate Chopin in “The Awakening.” It is beloved by its inhabitants, who knew it, not so long ago, as some of the best fishing in the region.
How Can I Get My Child’s School To Be Greener & Safer?
By Janelle Sorensen, Chief Communications Officer, Healthy Child Healthy World
Expert Opinion courtesy of Healthy Child Healthy World
When my husband and I toured schools to...
Windstars Best Boutique Cruise in the World: Get On Board Wind Surf Spanish Symphony...
For the best boutique cruise Wind Surf Spanish Symphony 2020
Out in the Oil with Captain Dave
By Elizabeth Grossman, Author of Chasing Molecules: Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry, High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden...
The Lorax Movie Denies Children A Universal Truth
By Nancy Chuda Founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful...
The Poilane Bakery Rises to the Top
By Emily Lynne Ion, LuxEco Advocate
A recent email from a friend boasted the discovery of the “best bread in all of Paris”. For someone who prefers a baguette for dessert over a piece of chocolate cake, I was intrigued. Most curiously, there was a link included. Yes, a link to a website for a French boulangerie. I had envisioned a corner bakery, tucked away on an old street, that my friend discovered by accident on a rainy day (this is always how cuisine stories in Europe go, do they not?). Instead what she’s discovered was The Poilane Bakery, an international brand and premier Parisian bakery.