Empowerment of Women In Africa: Francine LeFrak Fortifies A Stealth Vision Fashion Forward
By: Francine LeFrak, Founder of Same Sky, a company that handcrafts glass bead bracelets made in Rwanda and LuxEco Advocate
My dream is for the empowerment of women and eradication of poverty. In 1994, 1 million people were murdered in 100 days in Rwanda. I spent eight and a half years trying to produce a film about this massacre-- I wanted to tell the story of this genocide. Ultimately, the film never got produced. I was still left with the passion to shed light on this important story. By that time, my focus had also turned to the empowerment of women and girls. It was with the mission of helping the women in Africa that Same Sky was born.
Laura Turner Seydel shares memories of building her dream eco-home
Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Last summer, I had the privilege of interviewing Laura...
Egypt’s Rising Son of Hope and Courage: Wael Ghonim for President
By Nancy Chuda Founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEco Living and Healthy Child Healthy World
Enter Wael Ghonim, a charismatic young Google executive who helped launch the protests in Tahrir Square. His heroism validates what a real social network can do. Sorkin and Facebook aside, certainly not as newsworthy, will win the Oscar for best Original Screenplay not because of a few Harvard grads, but Google. The Umpire of all networks which will always win... it just makes adsense!
Life imitates with purpose as the world watches Wael's Facebook page, as he herds the hordes of young brave Egyptians as they face off in the streets urging President Hosni Mubarak to step down. The cacophony of people, police, military, women, men and press from around the globe could not visually hold the power or the purpose that the Internet is providing.
Helping Haiti through “Agape”
Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, has galvanized a community of thousands of followers in his trans-denominational movement.
Beckwith's ability to...
Struggling To Invent Fire
"There is no one among us who will light the world. You may use all of your days igniting the empty flares huddled and peopling the darkness
We’re honestly thrilled to announce Walgreens “Ology™” Brand of Healthy Home Products
Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Twenty two years ago Jim and I lost our...
LOHAS – Lifestyles Of Health and Sustainability – Networking Event
LOHAS Second Annual Los Angeles Networking Event & Reception - Provides Forum for Green Business Leaders.
LOHAS, the producers of the annual LOHAS Forum is...
Start Something That Matters Most: Ben and Blake Two Good Soles
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
"Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books,...
A Time for Prevention: Safer Chemicals for Healthier Children
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World and contributing author Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc Dean...
For Hillary: Roar Like A Lion And Never Give Up
I was hoping to wear a white dress and walk into town to share my heartfelt joy with my friends. I wanted to roar like a white lion with pride and share the passion of OUR WIN TOGETHER.
A Lifesaving Tip: What to Demand at Your Next Mammogram
By Nina Montee Karp a LuxEcoLiving advocate for womens health and founding member of Healthy Child Healthy World
Reposted courtesy of The Huffington Post
You'd never...
Hurricane Katrina: Making it Right
Just last month marks the fifth year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the catastrophic natural disaster that claimed more than 1,800 lives in the Gulf coast region with damages totaling $80 billion. After the devastation of the hurricane and consequent flooding, it seemed to its residents and many around the world that New Orleans, specifically, was making a painstakingly slow recovery. Frustrated by the sluggish progress, actor Brad Pitt founded the Make It Right Foundation in 2007 to help rebuild the hardest hit region of New Orleans, the Lower 9th ward.
Rwanda: Preserving The Future
Traveling is a look into culture, tradition and history. Learning about Médici's Renaissance Florence might give you a more profound appreciation of art, religious...
Part 1: Every California Community College Campus and Student Gets a “Helping Hand”
By Merry Elkins, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Best known for being a star-maker, Ken Kragen, who is also an author, teacher, and film and television producer, has charted the career course of some our most celebrated entertainers including Kenny Rogers, Lionel Richie, Tricia Yearwood, Olivia Newton John, The Bee Gees, The Smothers Brothers, Harry Chapin and more; but nothing he has accomplished in his illustrious career has ever achieved the significance or the scope of his philanthropic work.
For breathing life into Hands Across America in the 1980s where young and old alike joined hands across the country to call attention to hunger and homelessness here in the US; for setting in motion and organizing the recording We Are the World, that brought together 45 prominent recording artists including Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie and Bruce Springsteen to raise $64 million to feed people in Africa and for founding USA for Africa to distribute the money, he received the United Nations Peace Medal, something few civilians receive and an honor for which he is most proud.
WATCH: Inspiring Sustainability at Elon University
By Elaine Durr, Sustainability Coordinator of Elon University and LuxEco Advocate
Elon University’s mission statement says, in part, that “We integrate learning across the disciplines and put knowledge into practice, thus preparing students to be global citizens and informed leaders motivated by concern for the common good.” Elon believes that one of the most pressing issues facing students, indeed all citizens, today is global environmental change. In order to be true to that mission statement, it is imperative that Elon teach its students about environmental change, human interactions with the earth and how they can be good stewards of this planet so that the mission of producing “global citizens and informed leaders motivated by the common good” is accomplished.
Katherine Heigl Gives $1 Million to Help Save Pets
By Sahar Ghaffari, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Dog lover and “Life As We Know It” star Katherine Heigl has pledged to donate $1 million to help the over growing pet population through her Jason Debus Heigl Foundation. The foundation which is named after her brother, who died tragically in a car accident in 1986, just launched a new initiative called The Compassion Revolution.
90210 Salutes the Brave and Remembers 9/11
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
90210 erects monument to honor 9/11 victims and...
How Green are E-Books and E-Book Readers?
By Alanna Brown, a LuxEco Living Advocate, creator of Brown House Online, and author of Moonpennies
We all love the feel of a new paperback...
I Want Those Workers To Be As Safe As Those Shrimp
by Elizabeth Grossman, Author of Chasing Molecules: Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry, High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and...
The War On Sean Penn
Kudos to Sean Penn because in some respects, this experience was the essence of what journalism should be. He wanted to write this story, and he went to great lengths to achieve it. The issue of the War on Drugs is ever-prevalent, Penn wanted to talk about it, and he did so with his own voice.
Helping to Stop Deforestation
Did you know that:
We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14%...
Olivia Newton-John on Oprah: LuxEco Advocate Represents!
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Our very own LuxEco advocate, Olivia Newton-John was a guest on the taping of Oprah's show Tuesday. Oprah, filming two shows at the Sydney Opera House this week, had a star studded line-up for her travels Down Under.
Part 2: Every California Community College Campus and Student Gets a “Helping Hand”
By Merry Elkins, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Ken Kragen knows what it’s like to accomplish the impossible. He’s done it time and time, again. This time every California Community College Campus and Student is his beneficiary with his Hands Across California campaign on April 17th, 2011.
Are we Connecting?
Connected: Looking at love, death and technology in the 21st century
Courtesy of Marketplace
Listen to this Story
Tiffany Shlain, technophile and filmmaker, discusses her new...
Gut Wrenching News: Air, Water, Wildlife and Your Health are at Risk
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
What price would you pay to protect ...
This Could Be Our 1989
You might think that the greatest political, cultural, economic shock of our lifetimes, right here in the USA, would unleash a torrent of salient and incisive commentary. There's been some good, some confused, some angry. But mostly what I've seen is a kind of mouth-open shocked.
A Powerful Journey to the Old Mountain
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
A five-day, four-night trek on the Salkantay trail to Machu Picchu is more, in many ways, than...
Moms on a Mission Protect Children’s Health
Sweet Charity for a Mom with a Mission: Health Child Healthy World Arms Parents with Information about Environmental and Chemical Pollutants
By Nancy Chuda Founder...
George Clooney Travels to Southern Sudan
Actor, director, producer, and social activist George Clooney has been journeying throughout Southern Sudan this past week in an attempt to bring attention to the war-torn area. The region is three months away from an independence vote which could possibly see the largest country in Africa split into two sovereign nations.
Fiscal Policy Hurts EPA By The Billions
Washington's Fiscal Policy This Year Takes Aim At the EPA By Slashing a Great Deal of Support
By Derin Richardson, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
President Obama signed, sealed and delivered the new 2011 fiscal budget last Friday--the result of a less than stellar and certainly bitter congressional compromise that hinders environmental efforts even more so than previous years.
What The National Children’s Study Means To You
By Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff, Executive Director/CEO, Healthy Child Healthy World and a LuxEcoLiving Advocate
Is there a link between the environment and illnesses such as...
How Ingenious
By Florence “Flip” Ross, LuxEco Advocate
We are all familiar with the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” but when I travel through Israel I can’t help but think “When in Israel, do as the Israelis do.” How remarkable they are at accomplishing the impossible.
When they tried to build a harbor in Ashdod, they called in all the experts they could think of to help them do it. The experts from Holland (whom for sure they thought could accomplish this, since their country too was below sea level) told them it was impossible. Imagine their disappointment, but not to be deterred they said: “Okay, we’ll do it ourselves,” and do it themselves they did.
Africa’s Development: How We Can Help
By Galen Crawley's, author of A Path To Survival Against All Odds and LuxEco Advocate
In 1979, the British colonization of Zimbabwe came to an end under Ian Smith. After sustained social unrest, the ZANU party, led by Robert Mugabe, came to power. Initially, there was a pervading sense of optimism as this charismatic, highly intelligent individual began to educate the country. In the 1980’s, the economy was growing and Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa.
Unfortunately, what began as a democracy became a dictatorship. During the 90’s the Zimbabwe spiraled into decline. At the beginning of the millennium, the Land Reform Programme was initiated. The white farmers, who fueled the economy with their tobacco and food production, were brutally kicked out. It was the beginning of mass starvation, hyper-inflation, and when the diamond fields were found, murder and torture.
A Perspective on Green: Then and Now
By Florence “Flip” Ross, LuxEco Advocate
Since I was fortunate to have just celebrated my 88th birthday, I assume I am the oldest person writing for LuxEco Living. Therefore, allow me to tell you what life was like back in my day, and how we treated the environment. We didn't. We simply accepted things as they were, and I did not become aware of our world and how to keep it clean. It was just sufficient to live it.
Out in the Oil with Captain Dave
By Elizabeth Grossman, Author of Chasing Molecules: Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry, High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden...