Bicycling and Recycling in West LA With The LAGreensters
By: Annie Huang, LuxEco Living Marketing Assistant
People bike for many reasons such as exercising, commuting from one place to another, or simply just touring around...
Zulu Camp Shambala Private Game Reserve in South Africa: LuxEcoLiving’s Best Wildlife Experience
"It will awaken your senses not only to the beauty of nature but to the plight of South Africa's wildlife, many of which are teetering on a thin line for survival.
The Compassionate Life- Is Empathy the Answer?
Empathy and Compassion in the Wake of Japan's Tsunami Crisis
By: Marc Ian Barasch, author of The Compassionate Life and Founder/Director, Green World Campaign
The aerial shots...
The Batcheller Mansion Inn is Saratoga Springs Crown Jewel
By Nancy and James Chuda founder of LuxEcoLiving and co-founders of Healthy Child Healthy World
The Batcheller Mansion Inn is one of America's most historic...
The woman who keeps Venice Italy alive and afloat: Francesca Bortolotto Possati’s mission for...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Venice Italy
To step into her shoes is like following...
The Point: Reliving a Great Camp in the Adirondacks its Magic and History
Repurposing wealth for the preservation of natures most incredible gifts. An environmental habitat shared in perpetuity and the opportunity to connect with nature.
The Point...
Karla Bonoff Energizes Past with Present: Tales From The Tavern at the Maverick Saloon
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Santa Ynez Valley Maverick Saloon Tales From...
George Clooney Travels to Southern Sudan
Actor, director, producer, and social activist George Clooney has been journeying throughout Southern Sudan this past week in an attempt to bring attention to the war-torn area. The region is three months away from an independence vote which could possibly see the largest country in Africa split into two sovereign nations.
Parenting for Peace by Marcy Axness, PhD: A Book Review
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World.
In Defense of Plastic Bags? Say What?
by Linsley Oaks, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Green is in and it is here to stay. Eco-friendly products have blossomed on the fashion scene and are...
World Bank Contest Winner Whitewashes Peruvian Mountain
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
A contest sponsored by World Bank, entitled “100 Ideas to Save the Planet,” has awarded 26 people world-wide with...
LIV ON: Olivia Newton-John’s New CD Provides Hope and Healing With Help From Celebrated...
“As a group, it's our intention with this album to create songs with a message of compassion and hope,” said Newton-John. “They are for anyone facing a time of challenge in their life, whether it is grieving a loss - or on the journey to health and recovery.”
How To Create An Oasis: Your Residential Bathroom Spa
By Stephanie Nickolson a contributing LuxEcoLiving advocate and Interior Designer
How To Create Your Own Residential Oasis
It wasn't that long ago that...
Buttonwood Farm, Winery and Vineyard hosts a Spectacular Star Gazing Event in Solvang
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World
Solvang California, Buttonwood Farm Winery and Vineyard
Step out of...
Where is the Real Beef? I’m mad as a cow and not going to...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Cows have a voice too!
If you can stomach, actually bare...
Nature is Art
By Florence "Flip" Ross a LuxEcoLiving contributor and advocate
It is such a beautiful world, have you noticed the various hues?
When I step out the...
LuxEcoLiving4U: Roblar Winery’s Posh Private Affair
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
"You step into the main greeting room and you know...
Bloom Energy to Install First−Ever Highrise Project at Morgan Stanley Global Headquarters in New...
Morgan Stanley announced that Bloom Energy will install a fuel cell system at the Firm's global headquarters in New York City's Times Square neighborhood
It’s Hair Raising! We Want To Stop The Spill!
By Nancy Chuda, Founder of LuxEco Living and Healthy Child Healthy World
As citizens, we are cut out when it comes to our voices and...
EARTH: A New Wild (PBS Premieres February 4th) with Dr. M. Sanjayan is the...
By Nancy and James Chuda founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World with contributions from environmentalist John Easterling
Photo Courtesy of PBS...
A Lifesaving Tip: What to Demand at Your Next Mammogram
By Nina Montee Karp a LuxEcoLiving advocate for womens health and founding member of Healthy Child Healthy World
Reposted courtesy of The Huffington Post
You'd never...
Fast Food Gone Green?
As victims of busy schedules, we are easily seduced by the drive-thru lines of fast food traps that promise quick service for low cost and oftentimes, low-quality food. We’ve seen their brightly colored signs along freeways, tempting our growling stomachs, but why should we have to sacrifice quality and health in the interest of saving time and money? Many fast food chains have caught on and are modifying their business initiatives to promote healthier and more eco-friendly practices.
The Compostable Toothbrush
by Heather Clisby Second Chance Ranch courtesy of BlogHer
The latest product to land on my radar is a computable toothbrush, apparently "the first of...
Raising More Than Kane: Steve Hearst great grandson of William Randolph Hearst will screen...
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World. Reporting from San Simeon California.
"San Simeon was the place...
Revisiting Gratitude: This Much I Know…One Year Later- Part 2
By Bernadette Bowman, Comedienne and LuxEco Advocate who writes the LIFE GOES RETROGRADE series.
My apologies for being a few days late with my third...
Up a Stream With A Broken Chinese Paddle
By Lacey Szczepanik, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
I was born into a generation which, when it comes to consuming products, ‘Built to Last’ was long...
Chemical Creepers: A New Light Shed On Sunscreen
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Imagine if the very thing you used and depended on to protect you from skin cancer was capable of exacerbating the growth of epidermal lesions and tumors. Well that’s what the Environmental Working Group claims may be the case. A recent study shows that retinyl palmitate, a synthetic form of vitamin A, is carcinogenic on skin exposed to the sun.
Is Antimatter Real?
Physics; somewhere over the rainbow.
What in the World Is a Higgs Boson?
Peter Higgs, an Edinburgh University professor, discussed the particle that bears...
rstBrands In Style In Harmony With The Environment:LuxEcoLiving’s Pick for Best Outdoor Furniture
rstBrands offers a variety of sustainable handmade outdoor furniture and utilizes one of the most important sun shields in the development of their products. The patented Sunbrella fabrics who I might add made environmental responsibility a priority decades before the "green" movement.
Kimberly Jones purveys the best affordable wines from France
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in Chief LuxEcoLiving and co-founder Healthy Child Healthy World
Queribus Castle and the Cru overlooking Maury France
If you had to...
A New App for Apple
Steve Jobs might find a way to cut to the core of a major human rights issue impacting the health of children who get their daily dose of vitamins from eating apples. You can write to him and let him know he's got to get on this issue ASAP.
The Fabergé egg of Green Design: James Chuda’s Architecture
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief LuxEcoLiving and co-founder Healthy Child Healthy World
"Architect James Chuda's Green Home has been called the "Fabergé egg" of...
Liquid in a Carafe: Christian Frere brings new meaning to the world of French...
Introduction by Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Christian Frere and I met by chance...
Travels with Journey: The Fairmont Miramar Hotel and Bungalows 5 Paws
The Fairmont Miramar Hotel and Bungalows gets 5 Paws! Excellent location, fabulous service and extra treats for Journey.
Bed Bugs on the Rise; Protect Your Home and Family Without Pesticides
When I was a little girl, I remember my mother saying to me, “Nighty, night, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Fortunately for me, I had no idea what she was talking about, as I had never encountered a bed bug.
But that may not be the case for millions of people the world over, as more and more bed bug infestations are currently being reported