Makini Howell: Vegan Queen
By Rachel Sarnoff, Writer and Founder of and and LuxEco Advocate
Who can get Casey Affleck, Joaquin Phoenix, Liv Tyler, Jenny McCarthy, Daryl...
A BIG Win For The Wolves!! Federal Protections Restored For Northern Rockies’ Wolves
By Laura Turner Seydel, Chairman of the Captain Planet Foundation, Co-founder of Mothers & Others for Clean Air and LuxEco Advocate
Via Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders wins lawsuit; future of wolf recovery still uncertain
* U.S. district court overturns Interior Secretary Salazar’s action that removed wolves in the Northern Rockies from the endangered species list
* Ruling makes it clear that subdividing a wild population based on political boundaries rather than science violates the Endangered Species Act
* Defenders calls for update of science and regional stakeholder collaboration to ensure continued wolf recovery and proper removal of federal protections
Eco Interiors “Designs With Conscience”
By: Leslie Harris, Interior Designer, Leslie Harris Interior Design and LuxEco Advocate.
I know there is a lot of talk about the value of buying goods that are grown or made locally but for me there are reasons that far outweigh the use of fuels that travel such long distances to get to our shores and that is helping out our fellow human. Artecnica, a Los Angeles based design and manufacturing company, is committed to considering issues of environmental sustainability and responsible manufacturing. Design w/Conscience is a program, begun in 2002, that works with artisan communities in developing countries to produce unique handcrafted objects that reflect indigenous skills to be in accordance with humanitarian and environmentally sensitive principles.
The Best Cheese and Wines in the World: Sunstone Winery hosts The Wisconsin Cheeseman...
What happens when you pair artisan farmstead cheese from Cowgirl Creamery in northern California with some of the finest master cheesemakers from The Wisconsin Cheeseman and you add the finest varietal wines, both reds and white, from one the most magnificent wineries in the world?
Bloom Energy to Install First−Ever Highrise Project at Morgan Stanley Global Headquarters in New...
Morgan Stanley announced that Bloom Energy will install a fuel cell system at the Firm's global headquarters in New York City's Times Square neighborhood
Olivia Newton-John on Oprah: LuxEco Advocate Represents!
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Our very own LuxEco advocate, Olivia Newton-John was a guest on the taping of Oprah's show Tuesday. Oprah, filming two shows at the Sydney Opera House this week, had a star studded line-up for her travels Down Under.
Karla Bonoff Energizes Past with Present: Tales From The Tavern at the Maverick Saloon
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Santa Ynez Valley Maverick Saloon Tales From...
By: Florence Ross, author, poet and LuxEcoLiving contributor
August ends the summer season
But we celebrate it for another reason
We have a more important view
History reveals orchids are orchidellic
By Nancy Chuda founder and Editor-in-Chief LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Orchids can be orchidellic
Santa Barbara International Orchid Show
Woman and Food
By Robyn O'Brien, Founder of Allergy Kids Foundation and LuxEco Advocate
Now, I’m not sure where you stand on this whole food thing. But if you’re anything like me, you probably don’t want someone telling you what to eat. So when friends first started trying to educate me about terms like organic, local, natural and grass fed, I have to admit, I tuned out (and probably rolled my eyes). Because the reality is that food is never just food. Food is comfort.
Food is family. It is security. It is politics. And it is loaded.
Wherever I Go, There I Am
By Lacey Szczepanik, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
At the age of 28 I find I’ve lived the majority of my life trapped inside a head...
Blackberry: Is Green The Next Move In Their Playbook?
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
At the March 2010 CeBIT, the world’s leading tradeshow in the digital industry, Global eSustainability Initiative (GESI) announced an important new member. Research in Motion, which makes Blackberry, will be joining the organization. That’s right, Blackberry is changing its color…to Green. The widely popular smart-phone maker has come under recent scrutiny for its practices, or lack thereof, regarding sustainability. One Greenpeace report stated, “the Blackberry Pearl, which lost a lot of points in the life cycle criteria and for poor energy efficiency, and did not even meet the Energy Star standard.”
The Artist: A Review with an extra big shout out to Uggy
By Nancy Chuda Founder and Editor-in Chief of LuxEcoLiving and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Silence is golden as in oscar winner. You betcha!
Understanding Labeling for Certified Organic Wine
Organic grape farmers feel they are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the current labeling of organic wines.
By Brooke Rewa, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Organic shopping can be confusing. Organic wine shopping, even more so. Many of us don't have time to stop and read every ingredient on the products we are looking to purchase at the grocery store. This is why we look for known "stamps of approval." The biggest stamp we look for when shopping organic is that of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA sets very high standards for what can be labeled certified organic; which is why we as consumers trust them. They have taken these standards to new levels in the wine industry and it could be doing more harm than good for the world of organics.
When perusing your local grocer for an organic wine you will find two different labels; one clearly labeled certified organic and one labeled "made with organic grapes". This is where things get confusing and where organic grape farmers get upset. In order to be labeled certified organic by the USDA wine must be made from 100% organic grapes and contain no added sulfites. Sulfites occur naturally when grapes are fermented to make wine, it is impossible for any wine to be completely sulfite-free. Wine makers have been adding sulfites for centuries. Sulfur protects wine from oxidizing, allows for a longer shelf life and prevents unwanted organisms from growing in th
First Electric Highway In U.S.
By Alanna Brown, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Come fall of 2010, Washington state will begin construction on the U.S.’s first-ever electric highway. All being made possible by a $1.32 million federal grant, 10 level-3 charging stations will line the Interstate-5 at 80-mile intervals, from Oregon to Canada. Electric car commuters—now behind the wheel of newer versions, such as the Leaf and the Volt—will have plenty of leeway along the I-5 before the 100-mile charging range of their vehicle runs out.
The One, The Many, and the Balance
By: Linsley Oaks, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
Running across a field might seem like the last thing anyone should do after slinging $12 dixie cups...
Life Goes Retrograde
By Bernadette Bowman, Comedienne and LuxEco Advocate who writes the LIFE GOES RETROGRADE series.
Fire! Aim! Ready!
Or as Willie Wonka would say, “Strike that. ...
Try Horman’s Best for the Holiest Pickles in a Jar
Think Fresh Horman's Best Pickles for Mother's Day
Green Business Networking: Fifth Annual Event!
Green Business Networking Proudly Celebrates Fifth Year, With... You?
It's hard to believe, but tomorrow's mixer will also be our FIFTH anniversary! Time flies...
Swim Suits and Architecture: the New Building Material
By: Molly Rovero, LuxEco Editorial Assistant
Recycling and architecture meet on a whole new level with the design of the S_Pavilion by students from Chelsea...
Sexy and Sustainable Seasons for Fashion:Candice Held dresses inspire an eco-conscious style
Candice Held dresses have inspired us at LuxEco Living to think outside the box when it comes to sourcing eco-conscious materials. Saving the environment is not just about finding rare and exotic eco-friendly materials. In fact, sometimes it can be as simple as extending the life of the clothing already in our closets.
Up a Stream With A Broken Chinese Paddle
By Lacey Szczepanik, LuxEco Living Editorial Assistant
I was born into a generation which, when it comes to consuming products, ‘Built to Last’ was long...
Joe Henry’s LIME CREEK: Kindness, Faith and Humanity
By Nancy Chuda, Founder and Editor-in-Chief and co-founder of Healthy Child Healthy World
Set amidst the blinding snow storms and cold of Wyoming's high country, LIME CREEK is a Faulkneresque glimpse into the lives of a family of people committed to solidarity, simplicity, and a respect for life. The story centers around Spencer Davis and his sons. Henry captures the intimacy and connectedness of their harsh outer lives that draw them even closer together as they all bear witness to the eternal cycles of life and death; where the reveries of innocence trumpet the hard edges of experience.